

Please visit our support forum or send email to support to get help .


Client installation

  • Install platform client
  • In docker toolbox shell, create default git repository root directory mkdir ~/git
  • Install VPN client and connect to Athena DEV environment VPN

Getting source code

  • In docker toolbox shell, clone athena git repository, in ~/git directory run git clone git@git.service.athena-dev.consul:athena
  • In docker toolbox shell, install GitFlow
  • To contribute new platform service role or any other platform component please follow GitFlow workflow, create local feature branch and once done push it to remote for a peer review.

NFT environment secrets

  • In case if you will use existing Athena environment to test your changes, make sure that you have obtained environment transcript file (for example AthenaNFT.transcrypt) and put it in keys directory.

Deploying platform changes

  • To test your changes in platform DEVELOPMENT mode it is necessary to start athena client in ~/git/athena/athena-ansible/src/main/docker/ directory by running ./ <owner> <env>, for example ./ athena nft
  • In Athena client shell, run athena-services ansible-data to retrieve environment platform secrets

Building and deploying docker images

  • In docker image directory (for example: ~/git/athena/athena-docker/wordpress/) run mvn clean install docker:build docker:push. This will create image in Athena DEV docker repository with a current project SNAPSHOT tag.
  • In environment group variables for a particular environment (for example: ~/git/athena/athena-ansible/src/main/ansible/athena/group_vars/tag_Environment_NFT) specify SNAPSHOT version for a particular docker image (for example: wordpress_image: "{{docker_registry_host}}/athena-wordpress:2.508-SNAPSHOT”)