Applies to Roles (in environments)

  • System Administrator (DEV, UAT, NFT, PROD)
  • Developer (DEV)

Athena by default has two platform repositories (where it stores platform environment configuration) and default development repository

Platform repositories

  • gitolite-admin - git repository access management configuration storage

System Administrator role must have access to gitolite-admin repository

  • ansible-data - encrypted platform secret (service user passwords, system user keys and certificates) storage.

It is necessary to obtain transcrypt key to use ansible-data repository

System Administrator role must have access to ansible-data repository

Development repositories

  • default development repository <owner> (for owner test repository name is test)
  • any other development repository

System Administrator role must have access to <owner> repository in DEV environment to be able to access platform specific configuration Ansible playbooks

Access required

  • System Administrator


For detailed information please check athena-users git command documentation.

athena-users [USER-OPTIONS] git [GIT-OPTIONS] <username> <email>


  • <email> - User email.
  • <username> - User name, for example: john.smith.


    • --access <access>
      • “R” - read,
      • “W” - write,
      • “RW” - read/write,
      • “RW+” - full access
    • -r, --repo <repo> - Repository name.
    • --state <state>
      • present - default option, adds user access.
      • absent - Removes user access.


  • To add user public key to platform (test) dev environment main git repository (key must be present in /var/ansible/data/ssh/
athena-users git john.smith
  • To revoke user access to platform (test) dev environment main git repository (key must be present in /var/ansible/data/ssh/
athena-users --state absent git test.user
  • To allow user to manage platform (test) dev environment Git SCM users (key must be present in /var/ansible/data/ssh/
athena-users git -a RW+ -r gitolite-admin john.smith
  • To allow user to manage platform (test) dev environment platform secrets (key must be present in /var/ansible/data/ssh/
athena-users git -a RW+ -r ansible-data john.smith