SSH Users
Applies to Roles (in environments)
- System Administrator (DEV, UAT, NFT, PROD)
SSH users can deploy Athena services. User SSH public key will be added in remote machine user $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
Access required
- System Administrator
For detailed information please check athena-users ssh command documentation.
athena-users [USER-OPTIONS] ssh [SSH-OPTIONS] <username> <zone>
- User name, for example: john.smith<zone>
- Zone to which user will be granted accessBackoffice, Internal, Bastion, Public
- Add access for all zones.--pub-key
- User SSH public key.
--state <state>
-default option
, add user access.absent
- Remove user access.
- To add user public key to platform (test) dev environment Internal (available zones are Bastion, Internal, Backoffice, Public) zone servers (key must be present in /var/ansible/data/ssh/
athena-users ssh john.smith Internal
- To add user public key to platform (test) dev environment all zones and specify public key:
athena-users ssh --all --pub-key "ssh-gen asg97z8g9..." test.user
- To remove user public key from platform (test) dev environment Internal
athena-users --state absent ssh john.smith Internal