Users who can access DEV, UAT, NFT environment WAF services and DEV environment Git SCM repository

Access required

  • System Administrator

Installation steps

  • Obtain user’s SSH public key

  • Put user’s public key in $HOME/git/<owner>/ansible-data-dev/ssh/<username>-<owner>

  • Open Athena console for <owner> DEV environment, for example (in docker quick-start terminal shell):

athena test dev
  • Create Git user who has access to main DEV environment repository, for example (in the particular environment Athena console):
athena-users git john.smith
  • Create VPN user, for example (in the particular environment Athena console):
athena-users vpn create john.smith p4$Sw0rd &&
athena-users vpn activate john.smith
  • Create WAF user, for example (in the particular environment Athena console):
athena-users waf create john.smith p4$Sw0rd &&
athena-users waf activate john.smith